- Welcome to Retrofitworks
- 0330 123 1334
- info@retrofitworks.co.uk
On Tuesday 20th April 2021 we are launching our very own CPD programme for RetrofitWorks’ members. Each CPD (Continuous Professional Development) presentation will be available to members on a monthly basis and will provide essential awareness of different energy efficiency measures across trades.
Some of our members are already pioneers in retrofit, others are just starting out. This CPD programme will cover a range of topics that can be followed up with further training by the manufacturer/supplier, a college or other provider.
In the UK, many of the energy efficiency improvements have been installed incorrectly. This has resulted in unintended consequences, causing significant problems to properties and the health of their occupants. To avoid this now and in the future we want all RetrofitWorks members to lead the way and work to a high level of quality, skill and understanding. Domestic retrofit has massive potential to significantly cut carbon emissions globally, dramatically cut energy usage and bills, and improve the comfort and health of the occupants. A skilled and confident workforce can easily achieve this and help us shift towards a much-needed net zero carbon future.
Why Continuous Professional Development?
Why should I attend?
How to access?
Do I have to pay?
What if I have already attended a similar CPD?
Can I introduce or request other topics?
Please follow the Eventbrite link to register for our first event which will be External Wall Insulation (EWI) on Tuesday 20th April 2021 at 2.00pm.
CPD sessions will be available for £25 per session for Full RetrofitWorks Members and £35 per session for Associate Members.